The Board Meeting for Lenawee Community Mental Health Authority will be held the last Thursday of each month at 3:00 pm in the LCMHA Board Room on the first floor of the Human Service Building unless it’s a holiday or special meeting. If there are any changes to the regular board meetings it will be listed here. If you have any questions or should special accommodations be required to attend the meeting, please contact Blair Briggs, 517.264.0105 or Please limit any public comment to three minutes per person.

*NOTICE– In observance of Christmas, The Operations and Budget Committee will be acting on behalf of the Board in the month of December. The Board meeting will be held on  Wednesday, December 18th at 3pm in the LCMHA Administrative Board Room. The public is invited to attend. 

View Agenda for the Next Upcoming Meeting


Board Members

Lenawee County Community Mental Health Services Board
FY23/24 Membership

For any questions or comments related to the Board of Directors, please email Blair Briggs

Amy Palmer (Chair)

Deidre Reed (Secretary)

James Goetz

Judy Ackley

Nate Smith (Chair – Operations & Budget)

Erin Starlin

Nancy Eaton Gordon

Ralph Tillotson

Nic Wilson (Vice Chair)

Holly Terrill

David Stimpson

Tim Kelly

Meeting Minutes FY 23/24

Call Customer Service

Call 517-263-8905 or 1-800-664-5005 to speak to our Customer Service staff.


If you’re in crisis, call 517-263-8905 or 1-800-664-5005
Call 2-1-1 for a list of current resources

You can view past board minutes upon request:


Monday – Friday
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

1040 S. Winter Street
Suite 1022
Adrian, MI 49221

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