Suicide Prevention
Lenawee Suicide Prevention Coalition
The Lenawee Suicide Prevention Task Force will reduce the incidence of suicide in Lenawee County through collaborative planning, program development, community action, and public education.
Theory of Change
When a community comes together and implements multiple strategies to address the causes of suicide in a comprehensive way, individuals will be less likely to attempt/die by suicide.
Goal #1: Reduce the incidence of suicide in Lenawee County.
Goal #2: Reduce the incidence of suicide attempts among youth in Lenawee County
Goal #3: Community Education on Suicide
For more information regarding the Lenawee Suicide Prevention Coalition contact Stefanie Mineff, Customer Services at 517-264-0128.
Click here to view our suicide prevention plan.
Links to safeTALK
safeTALK, about three hours in duration, is a training that prepares anyone over the age of 15 to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first-aid resources. Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help to stay safe. Alert helpers know how to use these opportunities to support that desire for safety. As a safeTALK-trained suicide alert helper, you will be better able to:
- Move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss or avoid suicide;
- Identify people who have thoughts of suicide;
- Apply the TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen, and KeepSafe) to connect a person with suicide thoughts to suicide first aid, intervention caregivers.
Powerful video clips illustrate both non-alert and alert responses. Discussion and practice help stimulate learning. Learn steps that contribute to saving lives.
To find a safeTALK training in your area contact LCMHA Customer Services at 517-263-8905 or 1-800-664-5005.
Yellow Ribbon Trainings
Yellow Ribbon is dedicated to preventing youth suicide and attempts by making suicide prevention accessible to everyone and removing barriers to help by empowering communities and individuals through leadership, awareness and education and by collaborating and partnering with support networks to save lives. Trainers are available for presentations on the Yellow Ribbon Program. Contact Customer Services at 517-263-8905 or 1-800-664-5005
Suicide Hotline Numbers
If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide here are some numbers you can call for help. Remember, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
LCMHA Crisis Line: 517-263-8905 or 1-800-664-5005
Suicide Prevention Hotline: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – 988
Victim Services Unit Advocacy
Lenawee County Victim Services Unit (VSU), a volunteer division of the Lenawee County Sheriff’s Department, is available to all county residents. When an unexpected crisis happens, the police, emergency workers, or family members can request our services through the Sheriff’s Department Dispatch. We will go on scene or requested place to assist persons dealing with the crisis. A crisis could be an unexpected death, fire, suicide, a crisis where a person/family could use assistance. This assistance could be in the form of explaining what is happening during the crisis/what to expect in the following days, calling family members, Church affiliations, helping with funeral home arrangements, etc. For more information on this voluntary group call the Lenawee County Sheriff’s Department at 517-263-0524 or Customer Services at 517-263-8905 or 1-800-664-5005
Call 517-263-8905 or 1-800-664-5005 to speak to our Customer Service staff.
If you’re in crisis, call 517-263-8905 or 1-800-664-5005
Call 2-1-1 for a list of current resources
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
1040 S. Winter Street
Suite 1022
Adrian, MI 49221